Sunday, April 29, 2012

I have recently deactivated my Facebook account.  It was becoming unhealthy for me to run to my phone every time it buzzed and to spend so much time comparing myself to others (what they had that I didn't, why they always looked so cute after having babies and I don't, how they always seemed to have time for date night, etc.).  I dug deep down in my soul and remembered all those little things my mom always told me (and that I always rolled my eyes about).  Things like, happiness is a choice; just because it's the right thing to do doesn't make it easy; just pray, don't worry about it, just pray.  I decided that my worth as a person is not to be determined by earthly measures.  Only Christ can satisfy me and only He decides what  I'm worth.

There is a new song on the Passion:  White Flag cd called You Revive Me.  It has been my song of the day for several weeks now.  The lyrics follow:

Lord I have seen Your goodness
And I know the way You are
Give me eyes to see You in the dark
And Your face shines a glory
That I only know in part
And there is still a longing
A longing in my heart

You revive me
You revive me Lord
And all my deserts are rivers of joy
You are the treasure I could not afford
So I'll spend myself till I'm empty and poor
All for You
You revive me Lord

My soul is thirsty
Only You can satisfy
You are the well that never will run dry
And I'll praise You for the blessing
For calling me your friend
And in Your name I'm lifting
I'm lifting up my hands

I'm alive
I'm alive
You breath on me
You revive me

You can listen to the song here:

This song has become my focus song of each day.  I have (out of nowhere) had this enormous desire to see Revival in America.  God's people have to realize this world is not our home.  We have become entirely too comfortable living the life of the world instead of emptying ourselves for Christ daily and learning the true meaning of sacrifice, passion and love.  When we, as the body of Christ, can remember to pray for our enemies, give our lives away and stand for Christ, America can turn back to God and shout, "I'm alive, I'm alive!"  

So, during those days when I felt so discouraged because my life was not like all my "friends" on Facebook's was, I can take comfort in knowing that they all have the same problems I do (marriage, kids, faith, weight/fitness, money).  The problem is no one talks about it.  Why?  Because we know we'll be judged for it or we feel embarrassed.  Well, I'm taking a stand and taking back my life to live for Christ.  I'm laying it all out there because I don't want someone to feel embarrassed to talk to me about their problems and feel that they have nowhere to go when a crisis has come in their life.  I'm being honest and taking off the mask of having it all together.  I so do NOT have it all together!  

I'm a full-time working mom of two and a wife who is desperately trying to grow hedges around my marriage to keep Satan and the world away from us.  I struggle BIG TIME with parenting issues.  I have the most awesome daughter ever, but we are way too much alike and we butt heads constantly.  I have a little boy who will charm the socks off anyone, but is so ornery that I'm scared of what's to come.  I'm on a diet one day and losing weight and the next I'm doing Insanity and gaining weight.  I'm preoccupied with being perfect and failing miserably.  So, this blog is just a way for me to get those things off my chest that I hold on to so tightly and hoping I can touch lives along the way.  This is just me, doing me.  Going about this whole "life" thing from a  different perspective (an eternal one).